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海淀The steps of automatic machining of CNC bench drill tool alignment

2023-04-11 21:23:21

When using a CNC bench drill, it is necessary to pay attention to some steps. Now, let's briefly explain the two steps about it.

CNC bench drill tool alignment:

After clamping the workpiece and drill bit, turn the selection switch to the "tool alignment" position. The leftmost button is the "point in" button, and the second button from the left is the "point out" button. Jog the drill bit so that it just contacts the surface of the workpiece being processed. Press the third "return to origin" button from the left to quickly return the drill bit to the machining origin. After returning to the origin for two seconds, the system automatically zeros the coordinates after "X:", which is the zero point of the automatic loop.

CNC bench drill automatic machining:

Turn the selection switch to the "automatic" or "cooling" position, press the "start" button, and the machine tool will automatically cycle according to the default parameters and "feed rate". Press the "pause" button to stop feeding, and press the "start" button to restart the machine tool. The cycle is completed, and the machine automatically returns to zero, waiting for the next cycle. Select the switch to the "cooling" position, and the cooling will not stop.

After pressing the "pause" button, press "return to zero" to return the machine to zero. After the normal processing of the workpiece is completed, if the dimensions do not match after measurement, the "tool compensation" can be modified for repair.


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